Mature souls are in a searching mode all their lives. Mature souls care more about what they are learning than about the grades they make in learning it. The courses that Mature souls take are less likely to involve occupation, and more likely to be for personal improvement, than what you will see Young souls taking. This they often do rather than seeking a formal degree. They often pursue knowledge on their own, reading widely or taking night-school classes on whatever subject is of interest to them. It may not always be in a formal or institutional setting, since this can seem too structured and limiting (too Young-soulish) to them. Whereas Young souls get educated to further their careers, most Mature souls seek knowledge for its own sake.

They go to school for a different reason than Young souls. Mature souls are great believers in education. The place for Mature souls to seek this is in such places as libraries and colleges. There is very little that escapes their view or scrutiny. Mature souls seek to comprehend everything. Mature souls make a lot of adjustments along the way in their lives. Mature souls are in the "mid-life crisis", so to speak, of the Maturation scale. This incessant self-evaluation can lead to psychological difficulties. They have a strong tendency to be introspective. They constantly evaluate whether their life goals are being achieved, and what they would do differently if they could start again. Rather than look forward and outward like younger souls, they look backward and inward. Consequently, their perceptions are fairly advanced.

That is, they have subconscious access to depths of experience not present in younger souls. Like people in the fifth and sixth decades of life, much of their experience is behind them. They are at the peak of their lives: beyond the folly of youth, yet before the decay of old age. Much of what can be said about Mature souls is what would be said about people in middle age. The fourth soul age in the cycle, after the years of youth and early adulthood comes the time of middle age.